Regional Conservation Partnership Program

  • Grantor: USDA Regional Conservation Partnership Program
  • Seeking: Projects that support “new conservation structures”
  • Eligible applicants include: landowners, ranchers, agricultural land renters, non-profits, and public agencies; priority will be given to organizations serving Indian Tribes and historically underserved communities
  • Grant Value: Total disbursement will be $500 million
  • Deadline: August 18, 2023
  • Eligibility: RCPP projects must be carried out on agricultural or nonindustrial private forest land or associated land on which NRCS determines an eligible activity would help achieve conservation benefits (i.e., improved condition of natural resources resulting from implementation of conservation activities).


USDA Press Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Availability of $500 Million for Improved Regional Conservation Partnership Program to Better Support Partners, Producers as Part of Investing in America Agenda | Natural Resources Conservation Service

RCPP projects may include a range of on-the-ground conservation activities implemented by farmers, ranchers and forest landowners. These activities include:

  • Land management/land improvement/restoration practices
  • Land rentals
  • Entity-held easements
  • United States-held easements
  • Public works/watersheds

The USDA will have info webinars to help potential applicants. The webinars will take place on May 24 and June 7, from 2-3:30 p.m. ET. Join via this link.