USDA Rural Community Development Initiative Grants Available for Local Governments, Non-Profits, and Businesses

Please see my recent editor’s note regarding government contracts, grants, and loans for info regarding why I am posting this.

Who: USDA Rural Community Development Initiative

What: $50,000-$500,000 Grant

Elegibility: government entities, non-profits, and for-profit businesses in rural communities

Deadline: June 28, 2023 for electronic filing on; July 3, 2023 for paper filing

Additional Notes: For this grant, the USDA defines eligible rural communities as those with a population of 50,000 or fewer people. The grant is for government agencies (whether part of a larger state organization or a municipal government), non-profits (as declared on IRS form 501(c)(3)), and for-profit businesses (this is unusual, as for-profit businesses are usually not eligible for grants). Grantees can use this grant money for projects including, but not limited to:

Training sub-grantees to conduct: Home-ownership education; Minority business entrepreneur education;
Providing technical assistance to sub-grantees on: Strategic plan development; Accessing alternative funding sources; Board training; Developing successful child care facilities; Creating training tools, such as videos, workbooks, and reference guides; Effective fundraising techniques

Please note, once again, that these are not the only programs that can receive this grant money. While the above examples reference programs that help other non-profits, I’m sure a program that directly benefits people could potentially receive a grant.

Applicants need to be able to show they have matching funds, either from their own coffers or guaranteed funding from another grant provider but not in the form of in-kind funding (so-called “sweat equity”).

It’s unique to see a grant available to for-profit businesses, and I can see a farmers’ market or another business that works with farmers and ranchers filing an application just as much as I could see applications filed by churches, charities, and municipalities.

For assistance, contact the USDA state office in Albuquerque at 505-761-4950 or

I provide this government contract, grant, or loan information without formally vetting any statements or claims made by the provider. Applicants should conduct their own due diligence prior to providing any sensitive information to any party.