Mountainair Request for Proposals for Municipal Legal Services

The Town of Mountainair, NM is requesting competitive sealed proposals for legal services for the Town. Interested parties may obtain specifications from or submit proposals to Dennis Fulfer, Town Clerk, PO Box 115, Mountainair, NM 87036. Proposals must be sealed and clearly marked “PROPOSAL FOR LEGAL SERVICES.” The Town reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals, to waive any technicalities, and to accept in whole or in part such proposal/s as may be deemed in the best interest of the Town. Negotiations as allowed by the State Procurement Code may be pursued. Proposals will be accepted until 3 p.m. on Friday, September 22, 2023 at which time they will be opened in the Town Clerk’s Office. The Council will evaluate, negotiate and/or award at a later date. A detailed Request for Proposal is available at