Mountainair Town Council Addresses Drought Declaration, Planning for Jubilee and Independence Day, and Issues Related to Meter Upgrades

When the Mountainair Town Council had its regular meeting on June 6, 2023, it planned to begin with a public hearing in which the Fire Chief, Phillip Nelson, was expected to make a declaration of drought conditions. However, due to the recent rains, Mayor Peter Nieto announced, the declaration of drought conditions was not yet necessary.

As the town’s department heads gave their reports to the town council, Deputy Supervisor (or perhaps Assistant Supervisor) Carl Archuleta reported for Supervisor Edward Padilla, stating that there had been some damage caused as a result of New Mexico Meters upgrading the town’s water meters. Archuleta also said that residents may experience short disruptions in water service when their upgraded water meter is installed. insert links to NM Meters and Popeye Padilla articles
Mayor Nieto reported on the planning in the works for the town’s anniversary and Independence Day, stating that CoreCivic had donated $2,500, Positive Solutions donated $1,000, and the branch of Farmer’s Insurance operated by Casey Riley had donated $300 for the Independence Day fireworks. insert links to all three and get the formal names down for positive solutions and farmers
Town Clerk Dennis Fulfer requested approval to destroy Motor Vehicle Division documents dated from November 2019 to February 2022. The town council unanimously approved this request.
Mayor Nieto sought to amend the Joint Partnership Agreement (JPA) with the Estancia Valley Solid Waste Authority (EVSWA) to allow the town to appoint an alternate if its EVSWA representative cannot attend a meeting. The town council approved this amendment unanimously.

A final matter before the Mountainair Town Council was a request to accept one of three bids on new basketball backboards, hoops, baskets, and poles for the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) to install at the Chavez Memorial Park, requested by Mayor Nieto. Initially, Nieto presented three options with metal backboards, but on request from Council Member Ernie Lopez that Mayor Nieto look into using fiberglass backboards, the request was adjusted to be approval for the use of $3,500 of town money for the purchase of the necessary equipment, to include fiberglass backboards if they are determined to be suitable for outdoor use. Council Member Dustin Kayser moved to approve this request, and Lopez seconded it. On vote, the town council unanimously accepted the motion.
The next meeting of the Mountainair Town Council will be on Thursday, June 8, 2023, a special executive meeting in which the town council will address a human resources matter related to an as-of-yet unidentified municipal employee. The next regular meeting of the town council will be on June 20, 2023, at 6:00 pm.